Throughout the project life cycle, the services which Gregory Environmental Consulting Limited (GECL) can offer encompass specialist strategic and technical advice in:
Acquisition, Divestiture and Asset Evaluation
GECL holds a trusted position amongst the global landfill community for LFG forecasting, feedstock resource and asset evaluation. Our international experience in technical and environmental due diligence gives GECL the perspective needed to objectively assess renewable energy assets for clients.

Technical Due Diligence, Asset Evaluation, Gas Field Design
Ongoing support to Waga Energy on biomethane project evaluation and project development in the UK and Europe. 2021 – current.
Technical Due Diligence
Technical due diligence on portfolio of four LFG sites for renewable natural gas (RNG) exploitation. Confidential Client, USA. 2021.
Technical and Environmental Due Diligence
Assessment of a large UK LFG portfolio from public domain and vendor information. Confidential client and portfolio. 2021.
Technical and Environmental Due Diligence
Review of LFG resource, vendor technical due diligence and identification of business as usual and stretch targets for a major landfill gas to energy company with 9 landfill gas utilisation plants. Confidential Client, Ireland. 2016 and 2019.
Technical and Environmental Due Diligence
Pre-Acquisition Audit of part of the Viridis LFG portfolio managed by Arevon Ltd. Technical due diligence and LFG forecasting. 2018 – 2019.
Royalty Contract Assessments
Support to landfill operator in understanding the longevity of third party gas royalty contracts under ROC regime. 2018.
Asset Evaluation
Support to landfill operator on assessing the future gas resource and potential improvements of in-house and third-party installed capacity. Confidential client and sites 2016, 2017 and 2019.
Technical Due Diligence
Internal audits of each of Ortadoğu Enerji’s four LFG power stations in Turkey, with 45MW, 25MW, 7MW and 2MW installed capacity respectively. Technical due diligence and LFG forecasting of four landfills, identification of performance improvements in power station operations and gas field operations, and proposed revision of KPIs for the company. 2018 – 2019.
Technical and Environmental Due Diligence
Pre-Acquisition Audit of AD plant. Confidential client. Technical and environmental due diligence of a complex anaerobic digestion plant taking food waste as feedstock and producing CHP and biomethane for power generation onsite and offsite, via road tankers. 2017.
Technical and Environmental Due Diligence
Two-stage Pre-Acquisition Audit of Infinis, the largest UK LFG portfolio, Confidential client. Work included technical and environmental due diligence, site auditing, modelling of CAPEX/ OPEX, and LFG resource modelling. 2016.
Expert Witness and Arbitration
Robert Gregory has amassed a significant amount of experience in expert witness services, advice and arbitration for waste operators and renewable energy producers in both civil and criminal cases. His experience includes cases involving:
- Operational management
- Emissions and odour management
- Availability of landfill gas resource
- Effectiveness of landfill gas remedial measures
- Redevelopment of former landfill

Expert Witness
Witness and Technical Assessor for the LFG generation potential from the landfilling of zero-rated LFG trommel fines. Confidential client and site. 2020 – Ongoing.
Expert Witness
Witness in civil and criminal cases in Northern Ireland alleging nuisance, and health effects from the landfill. Confidential client and site. Case won. 2021 – 2022.
Expert Witness
Witness in civil case in England alleging nuisance, and adverse health effects from the landfill. Confidential client and site. Case settled. 2021 – 2022.
Expert Witness
Providing supporting evidence on renewable energy, greenhouse gas and carbon impacts for the FCC Bletchley Landfill Inquiry. Case won. 2021.
Expert Witness
Witness for the landfill gas utilisation company on landfill gas recovery problems due to landfill leachate and landfill management in a civil case in Costa Rica. Case settled. 2020 – 2021.
Expert Witness
Witness for loss of LFG revenue due to early site closure. Case settled. 2018.
Expert Witness
Witness for odour, nuisance, and operation of a hazardous waste landfill in South Africa. Case settled. 2017-2022.
Expert Witness
Witness for a criminal case brought by the Environment Agency in which odour emissions were alleged over a 13-month period. SUEZ Connon Bridge Landfill Site. Case settled. 2016-2017.
Expert Witness
Witness for a civil case in Northern Ireland alleging nuisance, and health effects from the various operations of the landfill from first day of operation to the present time. Case settled. 2016.
Planning and Permitting, Operations and Compliance
You may need to achieve planning permissions, permitting, permit revisions, or permit compliance throughout the operational life of your facility, and among the services GECL offers to support your waste or renewable energy facility are:
- Planning and permitting support
- Risk assessment and risk management
- Air quality assessment and management
- Odour assessment and management
- Combustion emissions measurement and management
- DSEAR studies and investigations
- Management plans, monitoring plans and action plans
- Landfill hot spot and fire management
- Landfill surface flux measurement and management
- Landfill lateral migration assessment, management and remedial design

Costs of Landfill Operations
Author. Financial Costs and Climate Change Impacts of Current and Future Landfill Operations. Project to determine the costs per tonne of implementation of proposed waste management policies, and their Climate Change impacts. Defra Project WR1922. 2019 – 2020.
Technical Specialist, Renewable Energy
Landfill gas pumping trials, landfill gas modelling, and gas field design for Al Dhafra landfill in Abu Dhabi, for CQA International, KEO Consultants and Tadweer. 2022-2023.
Technical Specialist, Renewable Energy
Landfill gas pumping trials, landfill gas modelling, and gas field design for Al Qusais landfill in Dubai, for CQA International, KEO Consultants and Dubai Municipality. 2020-2021.
Technical Evaluation of Operations
Analysis of gas collection efficiency at a UK landfill. Examination of gas flows and velocities in pipework, suitability of the system for the volumes to be collected, and comparison of performance against the site model. Confidential Client and Site. 2021.
Technical Evaluation of Operations
Analysis of gas collection efficiency at three confidential Australian landfills. Examination of gas flows and velocities in pipework, suitability of the system for the volumes to be collected, and comparison of performance against the site model. Confidential Client and Site. 2019 – 2021.
Technical Evaluation of Operations
Resource assessment, management tool and KPI tracking model for large confidential client portfolio of >30 sites. 2016-19.
Training in Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations (DSEAR and ATEX) in the Waste Industry. Draughting and delivery of training course. 14 trainees, Lane End, High Wycombe. 2019.
Technical Evaluation of Operations
Performance of LFG power stations on Yorwaste operated landfills, to identify future duration of LFG royalty payments, and longevity of flare operations at other sites. 2019.
Market Analysis
Performance analysis of LFG operators, using public domain data, as potential targets for acquisition. Confidential client. 2019.
Breakfast Meeting Training Course
Six Breakfast Meetings on Odour Management in South Africa. 2018.
Odour Management
Odour assessment and mitigation at Rosderra Foods, Ireland, and Glanbia Portlaiose, Ireland, 2018.
Odour assessment and monitoring over an eight-month period, for odour from a landfill, a waste recycling centre and a sewage treatment plant. confidential client and site. 2016-17.
Market Analysis
Performance analysis of AD operators as potential targets for acquisition. Confidential client. 2017.
Technical Evaluation
Effectiveness of Operations of Power Generation Company for Landfill Operator. Commissioned by Power Generation Company. Confidential NI client. 2017.
Market Analysis
Market analysis for potential acquisitions by confidential client in renewable energy sector. 2016.
Landfill Aftercare and Legacy Landfill Management
Closed landfills may require on-going management of landfill gas and leachate production, and an ongoing liability for the protection of the public and the environment. The risks and management strategies required depend on many site-specific factors. But closed landfills also offer the option for redevelopment, which brings with it the potential to generate a revenue against which the ongoing environmental liabilities can be offset.
There are many options for landfill reuse although modern landfill designs may restrict the use of construction techniques which penetrate the landfill cap or basal liner. GECL can assist you in the redevelopment of late-life or closed landfills as:
- Energy parks, particularly for solar PV or wind schemes
- Hard redevelopment for managed infra-structure with associated gas protection
- Soft redevelopment for grazing, energy crops, or country parks

Technical Author, Landfill Aftercare
Landfill Aftercare Scoping Study. A study of Accelerated Landfill Stabilisation Techniques and Models for Landfill Surrender, for DEFRA, project WR1919. 2018.
Landfill Aftercare Management
Technical Specialist for an LFG assessment at Island Road Reading for Confidential Client. 2020.
High CV LFG, Low Flow Passive Bioactive Trench
LFG management and remediation design on a former landfill intersected by road crossing with redevelopment adjacent. East Sussex County Council, 2020.
Low CV LFG, Low Flow Passive Bioactive Trench
Technical specialist, LFG management and biowindow and bioactive trench remediation design on a closed landfill in Finisklin, NI. 2018 – 20.
Building Protection
Project Manager, high level advisor on risk assessment and building protection for development of AD facility on closed gassing landfill, Belfast, NI. Confidential client. 2017-19.
In-Rock Gas Control
Design and tender specification of in-rock gas control scheme for late-life landfill in Surrey. Confidential client. 2016-18.
Landfill Aftercare and Redevelopment
Landfill Aftercare management, risk assessment and building protection advice for late-life landfill, West Sussex. Confidential client. 2017.
Permit Revision
Risk assessment for a successful permit revision to an operational inert landfill to accept higher TOC WAC limits in Northern Ireland. Confidential client. 2016-17.
Deep Hard Rock Quarry Landfill
Landfill Aftercare management and risk assessment for an unlined hard-rock quarry landfill with proposed development adjacent. Confidential client and site. 2016-17 for development and 2019-20 for road scheme.
Low CV Flare
Landfill Aftercare management at Warmwell, Dorset. Assessment of the landfill gas conditions at the Site, design and tender specification for replacement and relocation of gas control scheme with a low calorific value flare. 2016.
If you would like to learn more about how Gregory Environmental Consulting can work alongside you to progress your projects, or provide expert services, you can contact us via any of the links given below
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4A Middle Lane
Nether Broughton
LE14 3HD
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